Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Awful Cab

As I was getting ready to leave and drive across town to see him, I notice an email from him, asking for me to pick up a bottle of wine (if I want any, he says, because he's out).

On the way, I stop at a little upscale liquor store. I hastily wander around the aisles, having no idea what he drinks. I finally settle on a bottle.

He opens it in the kitchen, and pours two glasses even after I tell him I don't drink. I sip on the cab, and then gag. "Oh my god," I say with my hand protectively on my throat. "This is awful! I'm so sorry."

He then sips, and says flatly, "It's fine." A little while later, he asks how much I spent on it.

"Twenty-five dollars," I respond.

"Why!?" He seems genuinely shocked. "Don't ever spend that much on a bottle of wine for me again!" He searches around the house for cash to pay me back, but never finds any.

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