Friday, September 16, 2016

For the Family's Sake, Of Course

I asked the big, burning question in the back of my mind for weeks. What if the Wife suddenly wanted to come home--not only to return as a spouse but also bring the kids back into their comfortable nest--for the family's sake, of course.

This seemed to upset him a little. "That trust is broken...that ship has sailed," he replied.

The childrens' bedrooms are completely vacant, and neatly, freshly vacuumed. There's a hollowing now where once was filled with the busyness of early morning breakfast before time to go, harried voices from the parents saying, "Hurry up now, school--" Moments of solidarity before the unit is broken back into pieces--little legs scurrying along to the car, the repetition of days-after-days of slamming doors and starting motors.

A life now gone.

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