Sunday, September 4, 2016

My Podiatrist

My podiatrist is fiddling around with my feet, and wanting to make casual conversation to distract me from the pain.

"What are you studying?" She nodds her head over toward the marketing book on the chair in the corner.

I explain.

"What do you want to do with it?" She asks, referring to my plans to get a BA at the University.

"I have no idea," I confess. "Originally I wanted to go to med school."

She talks to me about the challenges of med school, even adding that "everyone thinks that they can't do it, and cries." It will be the most difficult thing you've ever attempted. She tells me not to be discouraged about the 36 hour shifts during residency. "They've changed the laws now, four years ago, they can only keep you so long and then they kick you out for at least eight hours."

 She indulges that she didn't start med school until she was thirty-eight years old because she had a family first.

Finally she adds, "We need strong women."

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