Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Today is Like Every Day

Everyday I try to find some feelings of self-worth, perhaps one of my greatest problems and a precursor to my almost life-long severe depression.

And most days, I find my hands empty.

In a recent email, the LSU Professor said that I had a "bright future"--a statement I immediately wanted to dispute.

I have schizoaffective disorder-bipolar type. I will always be on medications for it. 

It keeps me from performing in school and in life. 

What future do I have? Recurring episodes of depression or manic or even psychosis.

It's almost guaranteed.

In light of that view, I feel like I have little to give someone else.

"I deserve a fucking answer [Morpheus]. And the least you could have done was call me."

That was my initial response to news that Morpheus is likely moving north to be closer to his kids. He got an offer on his immensely large house in Yuppieville.

The real hurt is I don't get a say. I don't have the choice of whining, "Please don't go."

What's more important than family? Could I make the argument that he needs to stay for me?

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