Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Just Say No to Staring

Outside of the classroom, he strokes my back, and then says, "It's been a long time."

I immediately think, don't fucking touch me, but I give a soft laugh, "It's been what? Twenty-four hours?"

He stares at me intently, like he's just gazing at my face without interpreting the words. He gives no indication if his previous comment was joking or serious. "I was wondering if I could get your number and take you out to eat sometime."

I pause, which gives me away. But eventually I agree to meet him for coffee because while I don't initially like him, it's hard to defend my opinion since I know so little about him. He was just a student in the back of the class, and now he's crept up to sit behind me. We've had maybe two, brief conversations, certainly not enough evidence to conclude that he's a creep. But I still get that unsettled feeling. I wonder what about me it was today to call such attention to myself. I'm wearing a plain white sweater with my usual jeans and boots. Why did he notice me at all?

He buys me a cup of coffee, which I appreciate because the coffee stand only takes cash, and I didn't have any on me. I was feeling drowsy from the Norco.

"Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow," I say, thinking we have class together the next day. "Oh, I don't mean tomorrow."

"Yeah, we could meet tomorrow," he replies.

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