Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Morpheus Speaks After Months of Silence

Sometimes, I don't know why I do the things I do, which is probably a common human experience. I have been sending Morpheus a TXT-message about every week to two weeks, depending. And I called him about a month ago. It has been nothing but silence. Yesterday, I sent him one while I was studying at the computer lab on campus, saying similiar to "Just TXT-message me to let me know you're okay." I waited a few minutes, and didn't receive a response. I dream about him frequently, he's always some distorted figure in some way, and often his wife (ex?) is included.

That evening I was carrying on a short conversation with Harry via TXT-message when I received two messages back to back. I opened the window to view Harry's message, and saw that he only sent one. The messaging app displayed that I had one from Morpheus, even though it's been months since I've heard anything, he said something along the lines of, "hey, yea, everything is good."

If a friend asked me if he should stop TXT-messaging an ex every two weeks for months without an answer, I would probably tell him to quit it. After all, silence is an answer. But I can't take my own best advice.

And what kind of disturbed person can't let go of a failed relationship?

Well, you're looking at her.

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