Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Under Threat

I'm complaining because I'm trying to finish my homework, and the dog is whining, even though I took her to the dog park to run around and also took her to class with me. "She thinks she's the most important thing in my life."

My mother responds, "She is the most important thing in your life."

About a week ago, the case manager, Beck and I were talking in a parking lot after just having been on a short walk. A homeless man started shouting at us, waiving his hands aggressively, and saying that I had refused to give him aride, using offensive language. I watched Beck as she turned from her usual timid self into "the protector." Her back stiffened, her ears pointed forward, and little hairs on her spine came up. She looked at him as if saying, "Don't move a fucking inch closer."

As the homeless man walked away, still yelling, I petted Beck and told her what a good girl she was.  

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