Friday, March 10, 2017

More Thoughts on the Modern Love Contest

Most people have been encouraging when I tell them I'm writing an esasy for the New York Times, but I'm not sure anyone thinks I'll actually be published (the prize money is a grand, money of which I could greatly use).

I started talking to the poetry professor about how I'm having writer's block and procastinating, and that I need some kind of--

He interrupts me, "You need a deadline." His voice turns to mock sternness, "Have a rough draft done by Tuesday, that will give you two or three days to do some editing."

I've decided if I'm going to write honestly, I can't afford to have anyone at the school read it first, partially because I don't want to be judged by what I say. This means that I won't have the great advantage of having someone do some extensive editing.

1 comment:

  1. I've always thought you were a talented writer, and that hasn't changed (my opinion or your writing). I think you've got a good chance at this. Keep after it.
