Friday, March 31, 2017

Pain and Pain

My mother complains that the Neurologist talks in circles, and that it's hard to get her to give a definitive answer for anything, which reminds me of the way neurology works, at least to our limited understanding. In psychiatry, the situation is similar, we can only give educated guesses. Will this medication help my depression? I don't know. Will I ever have psychotic symptoms again? I don't know. Will I pass this awful disease to my children? I don't know for sure. Maybe. 

One thing that the Neurologist was careful to note was the abdominal pain. Normally, I wouldn't think she'd be interested. It was deemed to be a OB/GYN problem. But still, the Neurologist insisted on making a possible connection, asking me if the doctor ever ruled out them being related.

"No, he did not," I answered plainly to her. "I just figured it was a coincidence."

The Neurologist just gives me a "hmph," as if she wasn't quite satisfied.

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