Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Talks With Mom

There are two primary sources of conflict at home, one of which is PeeWee, who makes messes where ever she's allowed to be, and two, the chores of the house in general--who will do what and when, and who isn't doing enough.

For the most part, everyone gets along, although Mom admitted to me over the weekend that sometimes she gets cranky for no reason, and then she asks me, "What are the reasons for you being cranky [today]?"

"Because I'm in pain," I answer simply.

"Maybe he should ask your doctor for more pain pills," she recommends, which is a great idea except my GP gave me ten pills of Vicodin's, and I went through them in three days (they are supposed to last me about a week). Technically, taking that many pills each day isn't excessive, but it doesn't look good. You are should take the medication as dictated by your doctor--or else.

This morning I called Mom at work to ask her if the dishes in the dishwasher were clean (yes, they are).

After we talked about the weather, Mom paused, and then said, "[Jae]." She paused again. "I just wanted to say how proud of you I am."

"I know, it's like finally I got my shit together."

"No, it's not just that, what you're doing in school. You grew up to be a good person."

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