Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Pest

The LSU Professor at the coffee shop brings up the idea that my TXT-messages (and most recently my lengthy voicemail message I left on Wednesday) to Morpheus are therapeutic, which is why I do it. It is a bit of the unburdening of the soul, as if I was a convicted criminal facing lethal injection in the near future.

He also brings up the fact that maybe I'm crossing Morpheus' boundaries by still forcing communication upon him, like a needy, crying child tugging at a sweaty pant leg of a parent who is desperately just trying to clean house and make dinner--can't you tell you're distracting me, slowing me down, and making yourself a pest? "I'm sure you've already thought of that," the LSU Professor says, at least giving me some credit.

I had. If I was in Morpheus' position, would I want my ex-lover to contact me, repeatedly after I've ignored her for three months?


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