Monday, January 9, 2017

Memories of Morpheus: September of 2016

I don't remember the last time I got naked for someone, even though for a significant period in my life, I took off my clothes for a living--in the dark and in the bright light--for pleasure.

In September of 2016, when I met up with Morpheus at his large house in the best of what exists for neighborhoods in Yuppieville, I didn't remove my dress then either.

In bed, he wasn't happy with his pants down and me sucking his dick. He politely pulls me up, and starts to grab at my jeans, all the while with me saying teasingly, "No! No!" He keeps trying to untangle me, ignoring my playful cries. Eventually, he wins, and takes off my pants.

But my University sweatshirt stayed on even though there was no glow or a particle of light in the room, just the TV bouncing colors around in the background.

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