Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Backwards Look at Gender Roles and Having Babies

Joseph is an animated person, almost reminding me of someone who is hypomanic. At one point while we were walking down a sidewalk, he became enthralled with what he was talking about, and started to jump up and down.

While we were eating dinner at the sober and clean party, the food being horrible, especially for the fifteen dollar price tag, he (for whatever reason) started talking about how relationships develop when the woman carries a child inside her.

"Many women I have talked to have said that they saw themselves as mothers--many--," he emphasized, "But not the men. You ask a man if he sees himself with a child, and he'll say no."

Hmmm--the only thing I hate worse than typical gender roles is the so-called evolutionary biology thought to be behind the mating practices of the sexes, you know, the female being able to form a bond with a baby that a man simply can't because of the actions of hormones like oxytocin, and so forth. According to recent research, a woman's brain undergoes changes during pregnancy and after birth for as long as two years from the time the baby was born--even involved Dad's don't experience this re-modeling of the brain.

"And homosexual couples never mature this way because they don't have the added responsibility of the possibility that someone might get pregnant," he continues.

Whoa. Some transmen want to carry a baby, and even nurse this child, what is called "chest feeding." And I'm not quite sure how or why someone would conclude that gays don't understand the gravity of having a family--and all the duties that is encompassed in that.

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