Friday, January 13, 2017

Give Me Some of These

I'm in a gurney, and the anesthesiologist just finally put in an I.V. (I was told that he regularly inserts I.V.'s in children, so comparatively, I was quite the challenge!). The OB/GYN doctor is standing over me in that thoughtful pose, he says, "And what would you like us to treat your pain with?"

Holy shit. I have a choice? "Norco's 7.5 work really well. Or maybe even some Tramadol." I watch his expression, it doesn't change.

Later, after I had woken up from the surgery, the nurse tossed me a prescription for Norco's 7.5mg--and also put a pain pill in my hand. She kept coming back in my room, asking, "Has it kicked in yet? You'll know when it kicks in."

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