Tuesday, January 10, 2017

PeeWee's Story: I'll Be the One

My mother said to me, not too long ago, "I've never seen your father be mean to an animal."

Well, I have, just from fragment of memories, piece of the leftovers from the ECT.

PeeWee, breathless and either scared or excited, hops up onto the dog bed, and begins to pee on it, completely unashamed, in this distant fog of her cognitive decline, as it's called in dogs.

My father yells and picks her up, and when he realizes that she won't stop peeing, and therefore now covering him in urine, he angrily tosses her back down on the bed.

Eventually, he takes her outside, and while doing so, calls her "the devil."

I want to tell him that if he ever throws her down on the ground again, that I'll be the one to euthanize her, since no one else has the balls.

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