Thursday, January 12, 2017

In Response to "Really Kind of an Asshole"


If you were really an asshole, number one, you wouldn't know you were an asshole, you would just be inconsiderate to other people's feelings, emotions and values, either through ignorance or by manipulation. Which you're not and you don't do. You are conscious of how you might affect others. You are sensitive to your surroundings, including the people in it. And for the record, myself included, sometimes in life, we act like assholes because we're angry or upset or just being selfish--that's okay, because that means we're human. And those who love us, readily forgive us. We must forgive ourselves in the process.

1 comment:

  1. That's why I said "'kind' of an asshole" ;)
    In seriousness though - thanks. I know I have the capacity to be a dick, but it isn't innate.
