Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Argumentation COMM Class

He sits on the desk, and runs his hand through his blonde hair, often talking in such a manner that you wonder if he sees you at all or just running thoughts in his brain out through his mouth, in an aggressive manner, his voice slightly rising when he talks about politics.

During break, he whispers to me that someone would put a bullet in Trump's brain if it came down to starting a nuclear war. One of his military advisors would do the job.

"Dr. [last name]," I say, addressing him while his back is turned to me during the first class.

He turns around, smiles and says, "Call me [his initials]."

He does have a doctorate, and doctors like to be called doctors, it's only a natural show of respect.

"People are more impressed by the title than I am," he informs me.

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