Friday, January 27, 2017

The First Passion Since, The Weighed Words

"It seems that Mr. [The English instructor] is the first passion you've felt since Morpheus, so no wonder he's important to you. He has helped bring you back to life."

--Harry in today's email

In a lot of ways, I feel very grateful for that because for a long time, years, I never felt anything for any man at all--at least in the way of sexual and intellectual attraction (and how often do you find both in the same person?). After a while, I figured I was gone and cold forever, trapped in this wounded body that ached for resolution of the previous relationship--obsessed relentlessly without exception. 

I'm still that person--constantly thinking and dredging up any memories at all of Morpheus, but I found someone who gives me hope that--alas--I'm not dead after all. 

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