Saturday, January 7, 2017

Scared? Maybe So

"He's scared of you," The LSU Professor tells me while we're both sitting outside of a corporate cafe with Beck at my side. "You have all of those saved emails, I'm assuming you do..." He mentioned the possibility of suing Morpheus, although I didn't at the time quite figure out what the LSU Professor meant. As far as I know, ignoring someone, even someone you had an extended relationship with, is not a civil offense nor is it criminal. It's simply called having a broken heart, not an act you can receive punishment for.

And what damage could I potentially do? I already told the Wife about our affair back in February of 2011, marking the beginning of my descend into psychotic chaos. There is no greater blow that I could wield. That's it. That's the big bomb going off. No matter whatever I do in the present or in the future, I could never amend for that.

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