Sunday, January 1, 2017

Feminism Lost

"Others worry that the women’s movement has spent too much time policing language and behavior, blaming and shaming at the expense of dialogue. That, Professor Williams argues, can make misogyny attractive to the white working class, a way to rebel against condescending elites."

--by Susan Chira, "Feminism Lost. Now What?," The New York Times

For some reason, a few people out there equate rudeness (that they are oblivious to) to freedom of speech, as if you are given the right to be an asshole (however, "assholeness" is protected by the Court, unless the hate speech is meant to incite immediate violence). Political correctness does not censor people; it simply recognizes the difference among us in life experience, our priorities and values in a respectful manner. Being polite and considerate to your audience (of one or more) is a delicate art that we could all use more practice in.

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