Friday, April 28, 2017

A Review of Email Manners

So, I did invite the English instructor to the party for the annual literary journal at college. I told him that I owe him since he did much to encourage my writing.

While I was in COMM class, arguing with my professor about biological determinism (bullshit) and about Trump (more bullshit), the English instructor sent me an email back. He was very polite, and even paid me a compliment. He said that he didn't know if he could attend or not, but he would try to make it.

I seriously hesitated about writing him again--most days, I think about shooting him an email (I still think about him every day), but--there's nothing worse than this--I didn't want to come across as being creepy or crazy or to make any unwanted advances (come on's are perfectly acceptable in any situation if the two people deem it so, minus those who are too young to give full consent). There is definitely a line that can't be crossed, or if it is crossed, the two people are holding hands while they do so. In many instances, women have the edge on this situation because if we hit on a man, even one in power or has higher status, it is usually not considered intimidating or threatening. Because we are women, and men should always take sex whenever offered (to not do so means that they aren't men). Plus, as one of the students in COMM mentioned, women are just generally smaller and are not as strong as your average man; therefore, a woman is less likely to overpower you and rape you.

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