Thursday, April 13, 2017

Sex and More Sex

"Do you have a libido like that?" He asks me cautiously over the phone.

During certain periods of my life, hell yes. "You know, honestly, it depends on how I feel." I would realize later that he doesn't understand "how I feel" translates into what particular mood episode I'm in. "But I have wanted sex more than a good portion of my boyfriends."

While on the same subject, I tell him as we're sitting on the couch hours later, "Yeah, when you're manic, you're reckless and your libido goes goes through the roof. I mean, at one time, I was sleeping with multiple strangers per week..." I would explain to him that I have changed. I told him that the last person I slept with was him--back in September 2016. "You know, I can completely separate emotion from the act of sex."

"But you lost that ability," he adds.

"No, I can still do it."

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