Thursday, April 13, 2017

"Tell Me It's Over I'll Still Love You the Same"

--Shinedown, "Call Me"

"I don't want a child," I state, thinking about how difficult it would be to go off my medications, and then carry a child, and then stay off the drugs while I'm breastfeeding. Do you realize what sleep deprivation does to a psychotic disorder?

"You don't?" He asks in surprise.

"No...I assume you don't want any more."

"Don't assume."

"But didn't you say a few years ago that you were going to get a vasectomy?"

"I did, but it's reversible." He pauses and without looking at me says, "This is what we're talking about, isn't it?"

He is referring to how seriously I take our relationship. In shock, I don't answer. I naturally assume that we should have dinner first before we start making babies (especially babies out of wedlock, not that I'm traditional or anything, but babies should have the chance at a stable life with two parents whom love them).

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