Thursday, April 13, 2017

The New Beginnings Over Again

I was carrying two bottles of wine because I got talked into it by the store clerk, who was flattering and flirting with me. I push the doorbell, but nothing happens. Also, I don't see his truck. Perhaps he's not home? I ring the doorbell again. Finally, I peer into the windows next to his entrance, and I see someone in a hat asleep in a sofa. I quietly open the door, and I walk over to the person. It's Morpheus. I could tell by the jaw. I say his name softly, "[Morpheus]." He remains asleep. I take his hand gently and press down. He opens his eyes and stares at me for a moment before saying anything. He doesn't appear to be surprised by finding me in his TV room.

"Do you want me to come back on a different day?" I offer.

He shakes his head.

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