Sunday, April 16, 2017

Brings Out the Asshole in All of Us

"What did you do?" My dad asks over breakfast. He is talking about Grandma.

"Oh, [Jae], just yelled the f-word at her," Mom responds, like even a normal, sane person would resort to this type of behavior around my grandmother.

"It's elder abuse," I say, feeling like the shitty person on the planet.

"Only if you hit her. Did you hit her?"

"If I had anything in my hand, I probably would have," I say.

Later, my mother will stop me in the hallway after I asked her opinion about me moving to Ridgecrest for the summer, just for a few months to make sure Grandma is taking her meds and eating properly. My mother is adamantly against the idea. "You don't understand but you're different when you're around Grandma," my mother tells me.


"Well, more short-tempered, yeah, but you're just different. It's not a healthy environment for you." 

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