Sunday, April 30, 2017

Hard On My Mood, and Not the Good Kind of "Hard" Either

This week predictably has been hard on my mood (or is it technically last week? Sundays are so confusing). I've noticed a dip. Yesterday, I woke up feeling surprisingly depressed, and only after I walked the dog (Beck) that I noticed a little shift.

"Do you want me to show you all the TXT-messages I sent you?" I say to Morpheus as we're both sitting on the couch. 

"Yeah, but you never call me! What am I? Twelve years old."

"I called you...twice, I think," I respond weakly.

Earlier in the night, as we were sipping wine, he said, "Where we are right now is my fault."

I told him that it wasn't true. At one point, he told me that he didn't want to deal with the twenty-somethings because of the "drama."

I said, "What do you think I am? I'm tons of drama...." Shit, if I was that great at relationships, I would have been married years ago--I'd be on my second child by now. Obviously, something is wrong with me (yes, seriously, it's called schizoaffective disorder). I honestly don't expect any man to put up with me for long, that includes Morpheus. Is that sad to say? Perhaps, but it's how I genuinely feel. A lot of my friends, I just stopped talking to because I was too depressed, I had nothing to say, I didn't feel like I was even alive enough to hold a conversation. Not surprisingly, most of my "friends" disappeared once the symptoms increased. But a few tolerated me, spoke to me despite the fact that often I didn't respond, and I love them for it. Now, I'm trying to reach out to the people who have been there for me in the past, like Amara and Brandon and, of course, Rosa.

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