Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Someone Impressed?

"It really hurts my feelings that you won't go."

--my last TXT-message to Morpheus

So, the community college has been calling me yesterday and then again today. Apparently, my poem "Hospital's Hallway" will be published in the annual literary journal of the college. Not only that, but they are having an award ceremony and/or reading on May 11 at four pm at some "wine seller" (yes, not cellar) that I've never heard of--I thought I knew of every place local to drink. I will receive an award. So, the LSU Professor is in Europe right now. He can't go. Harry lives too far away to attend. I thought about inviting Joseph (he would at least appreciate the gesture), but then, I thought: why not invite Morpheus? He could meet my professors and my parents, and maybe he would find me getting an award impressive. He'd be impressed, right?

So, I sent him a TXT-message, explaining the basics, where and when. Then, after a couple of hours, I wrote that it would mean a lot if he would attend. No response.

(I am considering asking the Advisor to go.)

(Despite my better judgment, I have also been thinking about asking the English instructor to attend.)

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