Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Poetry Reading

The poetry professor asked me to read outloud my poem "Hospital's Hallway" for a school poetry reading. There was even a small poster in the library, announcing the event, and who would be reading. I took pictures of the flier, and sent them to my friends and then posted it on Facebook. I'd post it here, but then people would be able to figure out where I live and my real name (although, anyone with half a brain could easily realize where I live, and then from there, with a little work, could reveal my true identity).

I was genuinely flattered that I had been chosen. When I stood in front of a small group of people, I first thanked my professors for their support and encouragement. Although he was not present, I expressed gratitude for the English instructor as well.

My father attended, but because it was during the day, my mother was not able to be there.

After I finished reading, I headed back to my seat. My father winked at me. Later he said, "Well, you still got it!"

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