Monday, April 17, 2017

Singing and Music

After I sang with Morpheus, I was surprised with how well my voice actually sounded, despite the fact that I haven't done any singing in close to fifteen years (My therapist has insisted that I at least sing along in the car with the radio--because it's one of those "feel good" activities that is supposed to keep the depression away--alas!).

So, I immediately thought of the poetry professor. I knew he loved music, but it wasn't until I cyberstalked him on Facebook (okay, his picture just came up because his cellphone number is in my contacts) that I realized he sings too (and from the looks of it, so do his daughters).

I didn't know how to ask, so I finally just sent a TXT-message asking if he would sing with me sometime, to which replied in mere seconds, "You bet."

Now, potentially, I have someone to sing with.

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