Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Disgrace to Bulimics Everywhere

"So, tell me what the doctors said," my father asks me as I'm reading the New York Times. 

"Uh, they want to put me on Topamax again," I say. I went to Stanford Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic yesterday, and almost crashed the Tahoe while emailing Morpheus.


"It is supposed to help with my weight and with the pain."

He leans slightly in. "Everyone has been worried about you."

I let that sink in, and later I ask, "What did you mean by 'everyone is worried about me'?"

He walks in from the other room. "Being overwieght is really hard on your body. You have no idea how hard, and then it's very hard to get it off...So, I'm glad the doctors are concerned."

"Well, I'm losing weight."

He nods.

"It's just that I'm not losing it very fast." Why is my weight suddenly a community topic?

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