Monday, January 15, 2018

Final Nail, Part XXVI

Imaginary conversation with an imaginary female psychotherapist:

"Maybe you're in denial," the therapist starts. She holds her pen by balancing it between two fingers. "It's very hard to face relationship loss."

"Well, you could say I was in denial from the beginning. It would have been obvious to most people in the beginning that he wasn't filing for divorce, that he wasn't doing the things he said he was going to do, and that I just ignored it because I didn't want to face the truth. We didn't go anywhere, we didn't do anything. I mean, that would have been an indication that he was hiding me from his life, but nope, I didn't want to deal with that...People told me I was being stupid, to believe him, but nope, I didn't listen to them either...I was in love."

"So, what can we take away from this? What have you learned?"

"I don't think I've learned anything. People don't learn when it comes to interpersonal relationships. They just make the same fucking mistakes, over and over again."

"Well, I'm not sure that's true. That's why you're in therapy, right? To gain perspective, and hopefully make different choices in the future?"

"You obviously didn't read the 'Dirty John' Series in the Los Angeles Times. I mean, that lady--"


"She found the most fucked up men, and got involved with them, married them, and repeatedly put her life and her daughter's life at risk...."

"Well, maybe you will excel where she failed."

"Doubtful. Really, really doubtful."

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