Sunday, January 14, 2018

Final Nail, Part XXIII

Another imaginary session with the imaginary female psychotherapist. She taps her pen on her notepad.

"Maybe he made up this woman to make me feel small and jealous."

She leans back in her chair slightly. "Even if he did, he said that he didn't want you to contact him anymore."

"But what if, he made her up so I would continue chasing him, and that way he's in control. He's always in control if he dictating when we speak to each other."

She crosses her legs, and swivels a little in the chair. "Maybe you should take a surface level reading on this. You can cause yourself great anxiety trying to read between the lines."

"Why else would he describe his sex life that he had with his ex-wife? How many times per week they did it? Why else would he tell me about these women who will come over at a moment's notice? That they tell him how handsome he is?"

"Maybe it's just hard for you to accept that this is officially over. That he wants to continue his life with this woman, and leave you behind."She reaches up and smoothes over her hair. "I really think you should respect his wishes."

"Oh, I will. Definitely. I won't contact him, but--"

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