Monday, January 22, 2018

Final Nail, Part XXX

"Maybe he feels guilty," I tell my imaginary female therapist during one of our imaginary sessions.

She straightens herself a little, and readies her pen. "What do you mean?"

"Well, maybe he's lying. Like--he feels guilty that he's still in love with me, and he wants to give this new relationship a start, so he has to push me away because my presence in his life puts all of that at risk. And, he doesn't want to run the risk of what happened last time, happening again."

"What happened last time?" In the imaginary world, the imaginary therapist always asks the right questions, and seems genuinely interested.

"You know, when I lost my shit, and contacted the wife about the relationship between [Morpheus] and me."

"Would you do something like that again?"

"No, of course not. I feel horribly guilty about doing it the first time, but he might never trust me again--but--he tells me to go away because that's easier than to say that he still has feelings for me."

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