Friday, January 19, 2018

Being Fat is Fair Game, Part IV

If I lose four pounds every week this semester, I will have lost the weight by my birthday on May 28, 2018. You can do the math if you want to figure out how much.

I mock people in those commercials, who get excited about losing 22 pounds on Weight Watchers. That's a pant size. That's like a mere drop in the bucket. I want to lose seventy-two pounds!

And then, as everyone knows, most people don't lose weight at all, and the people who do lose weight, gain most, if not all, of it back within a year. Why? No one really knows. No one can explain childhood obesity. Why are some babies born so hungry? Mothers writing to doctors, who write for the New York Times. Am I supposed to feed my baby every time she's hungry? She's hungry all the time! And the doctor writes back that we can't do for ourselves what we're supposed to be doing for our children.

Last weekend, I went on a pro-ana messageboard, because if you want real dieting advice, tried-and-true, you have to listen and read about anorexics. They are accomplishing great mental and physical feats. They had one board dedicated just to fasts. Some girls were going as long as 100 hours without food. Just water and coffee (they claimed that coffee was key). They also were reluctantly admitting to feeling like passing out, messing up their electrolyte levels and just coming back from rehab.

My Microbiology professor correctly commented that part of the puzzle is that microbes living in our guts regulate our cravings for sweets. I recently read another article in the New York Times talking about the link between inflammation of the intestine, even of the joints, and of our intestinal microbes, and how that is helped by injesting more fiber.

So, I've been eating more fiber. And I lost four pounds this week (the real trick is to make it through the weekend without gaining it all back). I also ate a sticky roll today, but don't judge.

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