Thursday, January 11, 2018

Final Nail, Part XIII

Whenever you get rejected, you always want the other person to see the error of his/her ways, even if you don't want to be involved with him/her anymore anyway.

I read a passage in a book a long time ago, something that stuck with me throughout the years, that anger at the end of a relationship was a good thing--it helped people move on.

I realized writing that last email to Morpheus that I was much more angry with him than I was in love with him, although the "love" part was easier to deal with. What to do about anger? It just sits there in the middle of your chest, and you can't do anything about it. All of these grievances have piled up, and he's completely unaware. How could he never know that what happened to us scarred me? That every romantic and sexual relationship I've had since I've met him has been tainted by him in some way?

Of course, a sane person would never want his/her ex-boyfriend to have such knowledge. We can't bear the idea that someone else knows how much they hurt us. How much they affected us. Because if we admitted to that, we would be vulnerable. We would admit to being small in the ocean tides of love and relationships.

Final email from me:

"You never, ever gave a shit about what I wanted. Not once. I was always a second-class citizen to you. Just there to boost your ego, and make you feel better about yourself when [ex-wife] or someone else insulted you or put you down. 

You used me, and I allowed it because I was naive.

You are one selfish, self-centered bastard.


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