Monday, January 15, 2018

Why is Everyone So Angry?

If you ever at all wonder what my relationship is like with my mother, then watch "Unforgettable (2017)," and watch how Tessa interacts with her daughter and with her mother. And, of course, Tessa goes psycho because her ex-husband gets a new girlfriend and then gets engaged.

My parents are two very angry people, or they're not that angry, but they express their anger frequently so it appears that they're angry all the time (while some people might just brood in silence). My father will often bang around in the kitchen and cuss, which doesn't seem like it would be too disturbing, except it's really loud, and sounds like the world is coming to an end in the kitchen.

My mother got pissed at me today because when I opened the door, Beck ran out, and down the driveway without being on a leash. The manager of the ranch has said in the past that if he catches Beck off-leash one more time, then my parents will receive a 30-day notice. Mom yelled, "Do you really think that Dad will give up where we live just because of your dog?!?"

I guess I would then return to a life of whoring and living in hotels.

My parents believe that they have righteous claim to their anger, which I suppose is a privilege a person might have if living or being raised in a household that allows for the emotion to begin with.

My parents often perceive slights in life that I believe are just normal human occurances, that we can't really get angry over something that happens to virtually everyone through no one's particular fault. I mean by this, the most recent example, my mother's insurance company (through her state employer, which covers both her and her husband) requires a "Prior Authorization" for her opioid prescription. I'm not exactly sure what that is, other than an obstacle so the insurance can refuse to initially fill a prescription, but I know it happens to me multiple times per month. When my mother came home, she was filled with indignation, and my father quickly joined her, saying he was going to go down to the pharmacy and yell obscenities. I'm not sure he would actually do it, but he might throw a fit in the store anyway. First of all, it's not the pharmacy's fault, although it does suck to go through withdrawals because you can't get your opioid prescription filled. My mother then quickly proclaimed that it was "Obamacare's fault."

So, why don't I start screaming every time I have to wait for a prescription because the doctor's office is filling out a "Prior-Author"? Because you can't control it, and you really can't do anything about it.

If I could afford it, I definitely wouldn't be on Medicare, but that's not likely to change soon.

My father also annoyingly calls people he does deals with as being "stupid." And then he gets angry about them being "stupid."

My mother just yelled at me because while I was spooning out some mocha mix for my coffee a few minutes ago, I spilled some and left it on the counter. She claims that I need to wipe it up, and that it will attract ants. I commented that I do more wiping in that kitchen than anyone, and that only pissed her off more.

I don't cook, but I do 80% of the cleaning inside the house (I refuse to do any yardwork, although I do pick up the dog poop on occasion). I do all of this even though my hours either in the classroom or doing homework add up to a lot more than my mother's palty 40-hour work week, and my father works even less than that. I try to argue this, and it just makes them even more pissed off, so that hasn't work out well for me in the past.

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