Monday, January 15, 2018

Final Nail, Part XXVII

"No one ever wants to be 'the other woman,' " I tell the imaginary female psychotherapist in some imaginary office somewhere downtown Yuppieville.

She doesn't understand, though, she's never been "the other woman." She couldn't understand how you fall in love or maybe just love the sex, and then you make all sorts of excuses for yourself, for him.

Rationalization. Justification.

Looking back was it wrong? Maybe. But I don't believe in morals. I believe in social and personal costs and benefits--consequences. As human beings, we have to look at ourselves to see what kind of effect we're having on our psyche (some people call it a "soul"), and then on our community. Is lying a step towards our mental health? Depends on the lying. Sometimes lies protect us, from ourselves, from others. Sometimes we rely on lies, to guide us, to give us purpose, and even to give us meaning.

Lying makes the ends meet up, the road to smooth out, the smile to bend. 

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