Thursday, January 4, 2018

Disaster [REVISED]

I constantly have these disaster dreams, sometimes a natural disaster (where I can see a huge wave of the ocean coming for me), sometimes straight-from-the-horror-films zombie apocalypse where I stock up on guns and knives and chop people to bits. Reoccuring nightmares that I have multiple times per week. In all of those dreams, at least the ones I remember when I wake up, I search frantically for Morpheus, trying to call him on the cellphone (although I can never reach him, usually because the phone isn't working or I can't remember his number) or wandering into his neighborhood to see if he's alright. Sometimes I find him, sometimes I don't.

It's even more telling that I had a dream where I was able to time travel. I went back in time to find Morpheus as an eighteen-year-old, just starting at the University (same one I went to). I told him we were lovers in the future, and that he would marry and have three beautiful, intelligent kids, and have great success in business--basically all the things that make Americans happy (or what they say will make them happy). He asks me if I'm his future wife, I had the torment of telling him no.

Imagine using your one chance at going back in the past, and then blowing it on visiting an ex-lover.

To be honest, just the thought makes me want to cry. 

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